Напишите что происходит и что произойдет he play
Помогите срочно! Напишите, что происходит и что произойдет.
Present Simple Future Simple
He plays he will play
1. He/visit
2. He/help
3. I/ help
4. She/ dance
5. It/run
6. They/ have
7. She/ have
8. He/ have
He visits/ he will visit
He helps/ he will help
I help/I will help
She dances/ she will dance
It runs/ it will run
They have/ they will have
She has/ she will have
He has/ he will have
Другие вопросы из категории
correcting mistakes. correct the mistakes in these sentences.
I v got _sister and_ brother and_pets Today i v got_imbrella,_apple in my bag I v got _photos of Cristiano Ronaldo Cristoano is_ footballer.He s in Hello!this week Hello!is_English magazine
Читайте также
Interviewer: I know you have been learning English for almost five years and you are planning to become an interpreter. What do you feel about learning grammar? Do you think your teacher spends too much or too little time on it?
Int. So grammar is important, but not too much of it. But should it be taught in
Int. With vocabulary — is it better to learn a few words at a time and practice them, rather than a lot of words by heart?
Int. One of the problems for learners of English is phrasal verbs — to get on, to get along with and so on, and, of course, idioms. Is it a problem for you? Have you
learnt enough idioms to cope with?
Int. So, make sure the idioms you learnt are up-to-date. Now, how about pronunciation?A lot of students find that hard.вы-.
Int. What advice would you give to people who are just beginning to learn
Обратите внимание на написание
cry she cries, she cried
play she plays, she playd
212. Напишите, что происходит в данный момент?
212. Напишите, что происходит в данный момент.
(Пример) he / skate / now.
1. He is playing tennis now
She is singing now
I am helping my sister now
They are going to school now.
Present Progressive или Present Simple1?
Present Progressive или Present Simple
Помогите пожалуйста?
Пример : They, look, family photos, now.
They are looking at family photos now.
Надо : She, work, on her computer, at the moment.
They, have, lunch, right, now.
He, read, a book, at the moment.
They, play, golf, now.
She, talk, on the phone, now.
She is taking a shower now?
She is taking a shower now.
She is cleaning her teeth now.
She is dressing now.
She is breakfast now.
Вставьте подходящие глаголы в Pressnt Continious : Jack _ the book now?
Вставьте подходящие глаголы в Pressnt Continious : Jack _ the book now.
Hop _ the frog _ now?
Plant My friends _ me now.
Close What _ you _ now?
Help Ron and Liz _ seeds now.
1. My little brother / play a qame / now 2.
My big sister and l / read a book / now 3.
Grandpa and Grandma / talk / now 4.
The children / sing a song / now 5.
The child / drink milk / now.
Напиши что сейчас делают эти люди?
Напиши что сейчас делают эти люди.
1. Dad and Mum / watch TV / now 2.
My little brother / play a game / now 3.
My big sister and I / plead a book / now 4.
Grandpa and Grandma / talk / now 5.
The children / sing a song / now 6.
The child / drink milk / now.
Предложение go now И going now Говорили же, что если есть слово now, то окончание уже идет ing А в go now его нет?
Предложение go now И going now Говорили же, что если есть слово now, то окончание уже идет ing А в go now его нет.
И чем as отличается от like?
Everything или everybody от all?
1. Larry / play soccer / now 2.
Nanny Shine / drive a car / now 3.
Maya / raint a picture / now 4.
Paco and Larry / play basketball / now 5.
Dad and Mum / watch TV / now 6.
My little brother / paly a game / now 7.
My big sister and l / read a book / now 8.
Grandpa and Grendma / talk / now 9.
The chilgren / sing a sond / now 10.
The child / drink / milk / now.
Как открыть скобки в Present Continous 1)We (not to watch) TV now 2)They (not to eat) now 3)My mother (not to work) now 4)He (To play)Now?
Как открыть скобки в Present Continous 1)We (not to watch) TV now 2)They (not to eat) now 3)My mother (not to work) now 4)He (To play)Now?
6)Your sister (to rest)now?
7)What you (to do) now?
8)What you (to read) now?
9)What they (to eat) now?
10)What your brother (to drink) now?